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Tuesday, October 09, 2018

Why a BLog?

Many of you had thought why did I make a blog?
 I actually wanted to be a Vlogger! as Iam presently a Youtuber my channel
I am a Muslimah Alhamdullilah. I follow Religion over culture. So I follow HIJAB[It doesn't means only to cover your head!! there are certain principles to protect women, her modesty, prevent from hypocrisy ,attraction etc...]
My religion Islam is easy it is we who make it difficult.
Instead I chose to be a BLOGGER! 
There are many feminine bloggists which also made me inspired to start a blog rather than a vlog.
]Other posts of hijab are dealt in future In sha allah..]

I really love to help ..I can increase my little  good deeds by sharing all the medical stuff it PDFs, record works , notes, ppts etc..
-Romz presentations
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Welcome to my BLOG! beautiful people..

ROMZ PRESENTATIONS . Here I come up with my first ever Blog! Welcome to Romz Presentations, my very own passion project filled...